Make Your Impact

Partner in building local young Jewish life 



Chabad YJP of Minneapolis [EIN #81-2221855] is an independently funded 501c3 non-profit organization that relies on local community members to support its work. 


The Chai Circle

Making a difference. Every single month.

The monthly donations of the Chai Circle members are an integral part of allowing the YJP magic to happen!

Join the Chai Circle today by donating starting at $Chai and going up in increments of chai. 

Whether you donate one chai or ten your investment will o a long way in supporting the many programs, events, and services YJP provides the local community.

It’s not a subscription, it’s an investment!

Join the Chai Circle Society today!


Together as partners, we’re unstoppable.


Our Chai Circle Members 

Leaders Circle
Robert & Sachiko Jacobson | Joseph & Nechama D. Katz

Visionaries Circle
Lexi Lampner | Eric Lindenfeld | Andrew Stone | Joseph and Chana Shagalow | Joseph and Ashley Herz | Yaacov Carriger | Asher & Fraida Greenberg | Benny & Megan Amnuel Palmer |David Oman |  Menachem Ezagui | Ian Aizman | Jake Kaganovich

Pioneers Circle       
Hallie Davidson & Max Reisman | Daniel Ternyak| Micael Sperber | Danny & Rochel Kladnitsky Dukes| Daniel Raskin | Berel & Tina Goldglacz |  Joseph & Tzipy Kassel | Gidon Boolkin |  Shmuli & Esti Evans | Asaf  & Ksenia Ari | 

Partners Circle
Yefim Amnuel | Jenna Levine | Slava & Yana Slobodyanyuk |  Eliyahu Kugel  | Schneur and Leah Brook | Shmuel and Brochi Wolf | Jamie Reich | Brook Lynne & Shmuel Dukes | Valeria Amnuel | Shula & SB Begun | Susan Klugman | Eli Gross | Avi & Jenna Zedaka | Aaron Raskin | Jenifer Ebner | Sam Gross